♠ Rules ♠
Respect Others - Respect other peoples limits, boundaries, relationships, and scenes.
No Basic Second Life Avatars - Mesh/Bento bodies required.
No Child or Furry Avatars - Adult human avatars required, Owners makes final decision.
No Micro or Macro Avatars - Normal size human avatars required, Management makes final decision.
No Separate Animated Attachments or Particle Emitters - No animated attachments which are separate from your body or particle emitters that may cause others lag issues. This also includes Dance Pole attachments.
No Advertising or Spam - Advertising or Spamming visitors will NOT be allowed (NO Bloodlines).
No Excessive Gestures or Sounds - Keep gestures and sounds to a minimum, do NOT play them repeatedly.
No Escorting or Findom - Money is NOT required to play, do NOT ask or demand money from others.
Owners reserve the right to remove anyone at anytime with or without warning.