We have tried to put together some of the most commonly known questions and answers.  If you do not see your question answered below you can contact "Support Bunny" in-world to ask your question.

Q:  Who is allowed to play in the Mansion?

Everyone is allowed to play in the Mansion as long as you are a consenting adult.  Couples, singles, white, black, submissive or dominant are all welcome to play in the Mansion as long as the House Rules are not violated.

Q:  Are there still "House Bunnies"?

No, Black on White no longer employees girls as House Bunnies.

Q:  Is Black on White hiring?

No, Black on White currently is not looking for any paid positions.

Q:  Is AFK allowed?

Yes, in the Backyard there are 2 AFK Stables where you can AFK and be used.

Q:  Interested in the Muffin System and Joining the Farm?

Talk to De Amore Genna about being added to the Blacked Life Interracial Milking & Breeding Estate. (You will have to meet in-world to setup.)

Q:  What is there for Cucks?

Everyone is welcome to visit and enjoy our home and bring friends. We playing into several adult kinks: Interracial, Cuckold, Milking, & Breeding. That being said this is the Genna Family home, so the only cuck the Genna Girls cuckold is the owner of the house, Conri Genna. Other Cucks are welcome to come play with others, or bring there own families here to enjoy a friendly and luxurious place.